Who are we?
Our church is made up of people of all ages and varied backgrounds. We meet to worship God and serve Jesus Christ in the community of Bradford on Avon and the surrounding area.
Our faith is centred on the Bible - God’s message to humanity - and on Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 2000 years ago, Jesus died and, after three days, rose again from the dead, so that sinners (as we all are) may, through repentance and faith, have peace with God and the gift of new life in Jesus Christ.
For more information about what we believe, please see our doctrinal statement.

Sunday services
We would be very happy to see you at one of our Sunday services. We meet at 11am and 6:30pm. They are open to the public and everyone is welcome to join us. They last for about 75 minutes in the morning and about 60 minutes in the evening.
During our meetings we sing hymns and songs and there are prayers and readings from the Bible. You can ask for a hymn book and a Bible from one of the stewards.
A central feature of our meetings is the sermon which focuses on a passage from the Bible and what it means for us today.
If you have children with you, we’d be delighted to see them too! We hope that even younger children can stay in the service but if they become restless, or if you simply prefer to, please feel free to take them to the Upper School Room (the stewards can direct you to it). The service is relayed there on an audio-visual link.​
We stand to sing and also remain standing after the last hymn while a short blessing is pronounced. Otherwise we remain seated throughout the service.
Week-time activities
We run other activities during the week. For more information, see our what's on page, or any church member.
There has been a Baptist church meeting on this site for over 300 years – the present building dates from 1797. We have a booklet on the history of the church – there are usually copies on the table in the entrance hall and you are welcome to take one if you are interested.

Robert Strivens grew up in the south-east of England and was educated in Ramsgate and Canterbury, during which time he came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
He studied law at Cambridge University before joining a law firm in the City of London and qualified as a solicitor. In 1983 he married Sarah, who is from Cambridge. Robert practised law for fifteen years but believed increasingly that the Lord was calling him into pastoral ministry.
Accordingly, in 1997 he began studies at London Theological Seminary (as it was then called) and on their completion in 1999 he was called to the pastorate of Banbury Evangelical Free Church. After eight years in Banbury Robert was called to a full-time role at LTS where he had been lecturing for a number of years. In 2008 he took over from Philip Eveson as Principal of the Seminary. During the years that followed, Robert felt an increasing desire to return to pastoral ministry. In early 2017 Robert accepted the call from Bradford on Avon Baptist Church to be the pastor, the role which he took up on 1st October 2017.