Sunday Services
We extend a warm welcome to you to meet with us every Sunday at 11.00am and 6.30pm. No matter what your background, or how much you know about Christianity, our church is made up of people from very varied walks of life so you will feel at home.
Click here for some frequently asked questions and answers. If you need further information or help then please contact us and we will do our best to help you.

Prayer Meetings
Prayer is part of the natural response of Christians to all that God has done for us. Through prayer we can thank God for His goodness, we can praise and worship God for His perfection and we can tell Him about our concerns and present our requests. Whilst encouraging people in the church to pray daily in their own time, it is also important for us to pray together regularly so we also meet every Tuesday at the church at 7.30pm for prayer and bible study.

Sunday School
Our Sunday School meets every Sunday morning at 9:45am.
We welcome any children who wish to come along to one of our Sunday school classes.
It is completely free and newcomers are always welcome to join us on any Sunday. Parents can also come along to see what their children are taught.
Leaders of all our young people's activities are DBS checked and agree to our safeguarding policy.
Feel free to contact us if you would like any more information.

Footprints is our toddler group which is a friendly and happy environment aimed at anyone with a child from ages 0 to four years.
At Footprints the children and their carers are invited to join in with times of free play, craft, a short Bible story and singing, with refreshments served for adults. You will need to bring a drink and snack for your child/ren. We do have a break for 'snack time' when the children are encouraged to sit together at tables to eat.
Footprints meet on Monday mornings during term time from 10-11:30am. We finish a week earlier than schools for Christmas, Easter and summer holidays. This is held at the United Church Hall, which is just up the road from us, with a small charge of £2.00 per family per session.
The leaders of footprints are DBS checked and agree to our safeguarding policy.
For more information, please contact us directly or go to the Footprints Facebook page.