Bradford on Avon Baptist Church Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Policy
Policy Statement
It is the Policy of the Bradford on Avon Baptist Church (BOABC) that children, young people and adults, while legitimately on the premises and participating in a BOABC organized event, will be subject to the guiding principles of Safeguarding Care and Anti-bullying as defined in:
The Care Act 2014.
Health and Social Care Act 2008.
Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Human Rights Act 1998.
Data Protection Act 1998.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
The Equality Act 2010.
2 Implementation Strategies
To implement the BOABC Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Policy a Church Officer shall be nominated to be the Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator. The Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator shall be familiar with the principles of implementing and managing Safeguarding and Anti-bullying for BOABC. The Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator shall provide training for a deputy to perform the duty in their absence and for Leaders and Helpers.
The Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator for BOABC is Colin Campbell.
The Deputy Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator is Rachel Heyworth.
3 Leaders and Helpers
All leaders and helpers engaged in activities with children, young people and adults must:
Be in good standing with the church.
Submit a copy of their Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) if one is currently held.
Obtain a DBS through application if not held.
Take overall responsibility for the group in their charge.
Have attended training in delivering Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Care for BOABC.
The Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator is to have a current record of signed acceptance by all leaders and helpers of the BOABC Safeguarding and Anti-bullying document. See Annex B. This will be an Agenda Item at the Church Officers’ Meetings.
4 Processes
The processes for delivering the Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Policy and protecting children, young people and adults from all kinds of abuse will place special responsibility upon leaders and helpers. Typically:
Any group may comprise children, young people and/or adults and leaders must be alert to the need to protect them from any abuse.
Leaders and helpers need to be protected from any wrongful accusation.
Consider a risk assessment:
A hazard is anything that may cause anybody harm.
The risk is the chance, high or low, that somebody could be harmed.
The risk for the group will increase:
When an unplanned event diverts a sole leader from effective supervision of the group.
When a sole leader has to give specific attention to a group member which may entail leaving the room.
When a sole leader faces an unspecified threat.
In these circumstances and in the Lower School Room, use should be made of the RED pull-chord Emergency Call System to summon assistance.
5 Guidelines for Safeguarding and Anti-bullying
The following are Safeguarding and Anti-bullying guidelines:
Leaders and helpers need to generally guard against actions which might be misunderstood and situations that could render them vulnerable.
Avoid private one-to-one situations; do not be alone with a child, young person, or an adult of the opposite gender where the activity cannot be seen; in a private counselling situation leave a door open, or ensure that another appropriate gender adult is within calling distance and that the child, young person or adult knows this.
If in a class with a single student, have an appropriate gender chaperone.
More information on groups and chaperones is at Annex A, Group and Chaperone Guidance.
Children awaiting collection after clubs and classes must be supervised and not left at risk.
Always speak and behave respectfully using appropriate and polite language avoiding shouting if possible and not indulging in gender negativity, sarcasm or unkind nicknames.  
Watch body language, avoiding any actions that could be misunderstood, especially physical contact; only touch a child, young person or adult to comfort them if it is absolutely essential, initiated by the child, young person or adult and with an aware witness.
Take special care if younger children need help with the toilet; if possible get parents to deal with soiling incidents; if not, ensure a female adult is present when washing or changing, even if this means getting another female to assist.
Be wise about sexual matters; avoid sexually suggestive comments and participating in rough, physical, or sexually provocative games. If sexual matters have arisen in the course of teaching, brief the parents/carers on the circumstances.
While this document has centred on concern for children, young people and adults, there is the matter of care for the other persons on the BOABC premises and actions, for example, a 2-person rule to be in place when a person may be of concern for the safety of other people.
6 Types of Abuse – see also para 11 for information on bullying.
Abuse, because it may not be expected in the circumstances, can exist and not be immediately recognized:
Physical - where bodies are hurt or injured.
Emotional - where stress, threats or taunts cause fear; or when responsibilities or group expectation give worry as they are beyond the person's capabilities.
Sexual - where adults (and sometimes other young people) use children to satisfy their own sexual desires, or where a child, young person or adult unknowingly behaves in an inappropriate way.
Neglect - where care fails to meet the need of children, young people and adults, leading to impaired health, behaviour and development.
7 Signs
Signs of abuse may be noticed/observed and might be incorrectly interpreted; there may be quite sensible other explanations so be very cautious about over-reacting; this could have a detrimental effect on the person and family. Age is no respecter of vulnerability so any of these signs could be present across the age spectrum:
Physical - unexplained or hidden injuries, pain, lack of medical attention, cognitive impairment.
Emotional - reverting to younger behaviour, nervousness, sudden under-achievement, attention-seeking, moving-away, stealing, lying.
Sexual - preoccupation with sexual matters evident in words, play, drawings; being sexually provocative with others; inappropriate body language, closeness and contact.
Neglect - looking ill-cared for and unhappy; being withdrawn or aggressive; having lingering injuries or health problems, socially challenging smell.
8 Procedures if Abuse or Bullying is Disclosed, Discovered or Suspected
If abuse or bullying is disclosed, discovered or thought to have occurred:
Immediately ensure that the subject child, young person or adult is safe and obtain the assistance of a responsible person.
Consult the Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator (or, if unavailable, the Deputy)
Do not:
Start to investigate.
Act alone.
Do not promise confidentiality.
Do not approach the parents.
If the person wants to talk there and then, ensure that there is a responsible person also present and take notes, using the person's exact words. Use open questions such as:
Tell me…
Explain…… (TED)
If the Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator considers that there is cause for further action, they will inform:
Another Church Officer.
Social Services for:
Adult Care 0300 456 0111
Child Care 0300 456 0108
Who will decide:
Whether to inform the parents.
Whether to involve other Agencies, including the Police.
How to prepare for press enquiries.
9 Recording Actions
The Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator shall compile a full report of the incident for delivery to the Church Officers as soon as possible so that an appropriate course of action may be considered.
10 Further References
Churches Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS) since 4 July 2018 has been re-named as “thirtyone:eight” (Proverbs 31:8); they have practical guidance leaflets entitled:
Work safely with children and young people.
Safeguarding adults.
Safeguarding co-ordinator.
Safeguarding checklist.
Department of Education - Preventing and Tackling Bullying, Advice for head teachers, staff and governing bodies.
11 Further Information on Types of Bullying
Some forms of bullying are illegal and should be reported to the police. These include:
Violence or assault.
Repeated harassment or intimidation, for example name calling, threats and abusive phone calls, emails or text messages.
Hate crimes.
There is no legal definition of bullying, however, it’s usually defined as behaviour that is:
Intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally.
Often aimed at certain groups, for example, because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
Bullying behaviour can take many forms and can include:
Physical assault.
Making threats.
Name calling.
Cyberbullying - bullying via mobile phone or online (e.g. email, social networks and instant messenger).
12 Key Points for Anti-bullying Behaviour
Sunday School teachers should take the opportunity to make their class members aware of these Key Points:
Treat others as you wish to be treated, fairly, with dignity and without discrimination.
Report bullying of yourself, or others, to someone you feel comfortable with.
Use social networks for good news.
Use respectful language at all times, especially when referring to someone’s race, gender, religion, sexuality, belief or ability.
Do something worthwhile.
14 Document Maintenance
The BOABC Safeguarding and Anti-bullying Co-ordinator will review the Safeguarding and Anti-bullying document biennially and on the occasion of any applicable legislative changes.